
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Role of website layout in SEO

Following are few essential points which are to be kept in mind while optimizing SEO

How informational is a page:

Amount of text on a web pages is matters a lot to get ranked by search engine a page having high amount of information will be preferred and ranked higher rather than a page having a small amount of information over the page. Generally, we should try to increase the text content of our website in the interest of SEO. The optimum page size is 500-3000 words (or 2000 to 20,000 characters). Well when amount of text increase it would likely to increase the search queries for that page and finally it would help out in increasing the number of visitors.

Number of keywords on a page

Keywords play an important role we must use at least three to four times in the page text. It may vary from page to page all depends on the size of the page Keyword phrases are also very worth full. We can get best results ifa keyword phrase is being repeated many times in a web page text and all keywords in the phrase should be arranged in exactly the same order

Where o Locate the keywords on a page

Well it is very clear and simple that keyword should be near to the beginning of the documents, the closer a keyword or keyword phrase is to the beginning of a document, the more considerable it becomes for the search engine.

One page – one keyword phrase

For maximum seo try to optimize each page for its own keyword phrase. Sometimes you can choose two or three related phrases, but you should certainly not try to optimize a page for 5-10 phrases at once. Such phrases would probably produce no effect on page rank.

Seo and the Main page

Optimize the main page of your site (domain name, index.html) for word combinations that are most important. This page is most likely to get to the top of search engine lists. My seo observations suggest that the main page may account for up to 30-40% percent of the total search traffic for some sites

Keyword density and SEO

Keyword page density is a measure of the relative frequency of the word in the text expressed as a percentage. For example, if a specific word is used 5 times on a page containing 100 words, the keyword density is 5%. If the density of a keyword is too low, the search engine will not pay much attention to it. If the density is too high, the search engine may activate its spam filter. If this happens, the page will be penalized and its position in search listings will be deliberately lowered.

Text format and seo

Search engines pay special attention to page text that is highlighted or given special formatting. We recommend:
- use keywords in headings. Headings are text highlighted with the «H» HTML tags. The «h1» and «h2» tags are most effective. Currently, the use of CSS allows you to redefine the appearance of text highlighted with these tags. This means that «H» tags are used less than nowadays, but are still very important in seo work.;

«TITLE» tag

This is one of the most important tags for search engines. Make use of this fact in your seo work. Keywords must be used in the TITLE tag. The link to your site that is normally displayed in search results will contain text derived from the TITLE tag. It functions as a sort of virtual business card for your pages.

Some other very critical components are as follow:

  • Ageing of your website

  • Quality Contents of your website

  • Back linking over your website

  • Useful information over your website

  • Design and layout of your website

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